Spray-on insulation for fire protection, sound reduction, condensation and thermal control.

Unique insulation with multiple applications

Brandskydd med SpreFix

Fire protection

Fire protection and fire insulation protects valuable assets. SpreFix S provides the best possible protection that withstands the toughest tests and requirements.

Insulation against condensation

Corrosion and rot can cause costly damages. SpreFix G provides seamless condensation protection that quickly binds moisture while maintaining its characteristics.

Sound reduction

Noise and acoustic problems can quickly destroy a working environment. SpreFix® G solves this in an optimal way as it can be sprayed on all surfaces.

Thermal insulation

SpreFix provides superior thermal insulation without joints. It also provides extra protection against fire and condensation.

SpreFix® in the Marine Industry

Condensation is a well-known problem in the marine sector and SpreFix spray insulation eliminates this problem. SpreFix spray insulation is not affected by the movement of waves or by vibrations generated by the ship’s engines or propellers.

SpreFix® insulates rock and concrete

Rock and concrete are a big challenge to insulate in order to achieve safe and durable insulation. Thanks to SpreFix spray-on technology and the composition of the material, you get a completely seamless insulation that protects against heat, condensation and sound over a long period of time.

World-leading insulation

SpreFix® spray insulation gives you a professional and cost-effective shortcut to very good insulation. A smart multifunctional solution for fire protection, sound reduction, thermal insulation and condensation control.

With SpreFix® you get a seamless insulation that adheres very well to substrates such as stone, concrete, metal, plaster and wood. The unique properties of the material provide superior protection and extended life on buildings, structures, rock spaces, trains and ships, etc.

Expertise and experience for guaranteed long-term durability

Backa Industriservice was founded in 1975 and since then we have worked with various types of insulation. Since the mid-80s we have worked exclusively with SpreFix® as we believe it is the best material on the market with its unique properties.

Our partners who carry out the insulation work are recognized and licensed by us so we know that all work is carried out in a professional manner with a great passion for quality.

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